open call
To do further research instead of only textual and visual, we had an open call for people to join in to tell about their experiences. While sending out/talking with these different people, it was important to show the data autonomously to create a safe haven where their data could not be traced back to them.

Here you find the survey with the answers from our participants and our interpretations of the answers.
participant 1
participant 2
participant 3
participant 4
participant 5
participant 6
participant 7
Shut myself off. Constant alertness.
You know you have to step over it, but the steps can only be taken little by little
I think there is a difference in trauma that has a greater impact on your body and trauma that has a greater mental impact. Think of the confidence in your body to do things after an accident or not dare to go to the supermarket because you are afraid of sliding doors. The feeling may be the same while the result is different.
Notes 1:

- Had impact on physical body.

- Had impact mental physiques.

- Changed because she didn't care but than changed again to actually caring and changing her routine which now includes friends et cetera instead of thinking about what the impact is of food.

- ! READING: we can not escape our bodies, but trauma can cause guilt of being in the body.

- Alienation; you need to talk to a professional to not have a risk of getting hurt by you thinking that are bothering other people with your problems.

- Thinks that Dutch medical system is lacking and is exploiting non-neurotypical bodies.

Notes 2:

- Alertness and shutting herself off physically.

- Mentally thinking that you need to take small steps to heal.

- There are different forms of trauma, but they can have/create the same result or different results.

Notes 3:

- Sounds trigger which leads to panic attacks. This is a reaction of the body. Urge to lock self up. Isolation: physically and mentally.

- Feeling like a different person: reactions have changed. Rewiring helped with getting more rest.

- Also alienation from other people, not only themselve.

- Trauma's can occur by different things.

Notes 4:

- Confusing and dizzyness: so mostly brain/eyes.

- Brain rest to reduce stress feelings.

- No answer for alienation.

- Did the survey to help us out, felt it was more about 'bigger' trauma's.

- Think Corona can cause trauma.

Notes 5:

- Physical stress: tense.

- Rewiring caused automatic emotional responses when getting in a certain situation.

- Trauma can cause you from 'being present'.

- !! answer is nicely written (last answer). We will use this, thanks anonymous person!

Notes 6:

- fear in body, but also mentally
fear sourrounding trust + relationships
shame/guilt in body

- rethink relationships, doubts + cautious behaviour

- alienation: looking back, outsider view
(someone else's memories)

- part of us? difficulty identifying with trauma
body can't be escaped + body has endured
self worth is hard at times, but can be built

Notes 7:

- Understanding the transience of bodies. Triggers of sounds, insecurity caused by trauma: affecting body and brain.

- Rewiring caused stronger emotions on certain parts, like righteousness.

- Third person view: creating a memory that doesn't exist from that viewpoint. Using this to be rational about the trauma.

scroll down please for notes and interpretation!
The notes are next to the interview above, but this is own interpretation.
grouping and coding